Roger Clemens at his arraignment hearing

Former MLB pitcher Roger Clemens leaving the court house today.

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens leaves the U.S. District Court House after his arraignment hearing in Washington on August 30, 2010. Clemens is being charged with making false statements, perjury and obstructing Congress in his congressional testimony on his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs.  UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo via Newscom

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens leaves the U.S. District Court House after his arraignment hearing in Washington on August 30, 2010. Clemens is being charged with making false statements, perjury and obstructing Congress in his congressional testimony on his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs.  UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo via Newscom

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens leaves the U.S. District Court House after his arraignment hearing in Washington on August 30, 2010. Clemens is being charged with making false statements, perjury and obstructing Congress in his congressional testimony on his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs.  UPI/Kevin Dietsch Photo via Newscom

This is him back in 2008 where they allege he lied to congress about taking steroids

New York Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens is seen in a February 13, 2008 file photo testifying before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on allegations that Clemens used performance enhancing drugs on Capitol Hill in Washington. Clemens has been indicted by a federal jury on perjury, for making false statements during his testimony to Congress, on August 19, 2010. UPI/Kevin Dietsch/File Photo via Newscom

I honestly think if he lied he should be punished but were there other players that also testified they didn’t “to their knowledge” take steroids?

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