Posts Tagged ‘websites’

How Many Quarters Can You Fit On Your Penis?

From my favorite penis next to inanimate objects site, Hung Like A…

Tap That Guy: No, But I Will Pet Your Dog

The guy is too skinny for my taste. But that beagle/daschund mix looking dog is super cute.

Ever want to see what Peter Latz would look like all hairy?

The Sword found this great photoshop artist who puts hair on pictures of smooth guys. Working in advertising, I’m used to seeing the opposite. So seeing this guy’s work, I think it’s truly amazing. I can’t grow chest and ab hair, I’ve always wondered what I would look like with a little fur.
Check more incredible work by ttyyttyy555.

Muscle Men Hideaway: Big Russian

From this great blog i follow, Muscle Men Hideaway. There is just something really hot in this picture. Big bodybuilders in posers in a public pool. And the grin on the guys face, I just find him very sexy.

Guys With iPhones: What the hell is going on here?

This photo doesn’t follow the usual “guy standing in front of a mirror” pic on guyswithiphones. I really want to know what’s going on here. Did I miss, naked bike and roller blade to work day?