Posts Tagged ‘Poorly Dressed’

Halloween Costume Idea: Sexy Mortal Kombat’s Raiden!

Does it make me deranged that I want to see them do some martial arts, shoot lightning, then fuck each other?

Poorly Dressed: Furry and Sexy!

I know I’m weird, because I’m attracted to this guy!

Buzz and Woody Never Looked So Cute Together

Its takes balls (and ass apparently) to go out in public dressed like Toy Story characters.

Hot Batman has a Hot Arch Enemy

The hot guy, that dresses as a skimpy Batman on skates has found someone to dress as a skimpy Joker!

Opps, I forgot my pants

fashion fail - Lone Wolf McPantsless
I love the cowboy hat and matching black scocks.
I just want to know where’s he’s headed.