Posts Tagged ‘music video’

RuPaul’s Peanut Butter Video

RuPaul_PeanutButterHere’s RuPaul’s latest video. I have to say I love it.
I hope it becomes a summer dance hit.
And I hope guys do this dance on the dance floor.

Madonna – Girl Gone Wild video

Madonna’s new video. Not great. Not awful. The dancers remind me of Kazaky.

Nicki Minaj Super Bass Video

Britney Spears: Till The World Ends Video

I like this song. And I bought the album on Amazon, so now I have 20 GB storage in Amazon Cloud and I can play this song where ever I go.
And at least the video has 1 hot dancer.

There should be more bodybuilders in music videos

Here’s the music video for Joan As Police Woman’s The Magic