Posts Tagged ‘Music’

Zeb Atlas sings "Love Hangover"

OMG! I hate to admit it but I love this video.
Zeb Atlas is so cute in it, and who knew he could sing?
UPDATE: Apparently, this video wasn’t supposed to be released yet, so it got made private on ExposureRoom. Check out The Sword where they have the video someone else uploaded.
UPDATE #2: Seems the record label released it on youtube.

Likin’ Big Dicks (Like a G6 parody)

Calpernia Adams and Johnny McGovern funny parody of Like a G6.

Chris Salvatore’s latest track: The Sound of This Beat

Chris Salvatore released his latest EP, The Sound of This Beat
I’m a big fan of his voice and his music so I just bought it off Amazon
I’m listening to it while I write this post and I’m loving it.
The EP also includes his heartfelt, It Gets Better. And there’s an awesome cover of I Want Your Sex.

The best music video ever: Ice Cream Truck by Cazwell

 To me, Cazwell’s latest music video is perfect. 
Hot shirtless guys. Colorful backgrounds. Suggestive eating of frozen desserts.
And it’s a catchy tune.
You can download Ice Cream Truck for free, here.

Chris Salvatore: Dirty Love Video

Chris Salvatore’s Dirty Love video came out this week. I really like the song. It has catchy lyrics and some people complain about too much auto-tune,
but I think it works for this track.
What I don’t like is the video. I’m guessing its to appeal to mass audiences. And mass audiences like lesbians. I just wish Chris worked it and sold it. He has no chemistry with the girls, it’s like they aren’t even in the same room. Like when they are fondling and grabbing him it’s just so forced.
(Maybe I’m just a jealous bitch and wish it was me fondling him)
Another thing I absolutely hated was the over use of gels, I counted like 15 different colors. One of the most striking things about Chris are his eyes and they get washed out in reds, yellows, greens, oranges, and blues for half the video.
One thing I did like was Chris rocking the keytar!
Chris there’s a big ass behind you, but you don’t care.
Please let your next video just be you, hanging out by the pool with your friends. 
I swear more people will watch it.