Posts Tagged ‘lambda players’

Sacramento’s Lambda Players comedy "Poughkeepsie Porn Co."

The Lambda Players in Sacramento lastest offering is “Poughkeepsie Porn Co.”

One of the oldest gay porn companies is about to become a thing of the past unless they can find a way to put the company back on track. Enter the newly hired weapon: a 6′, blond, blue-eyed wall of muscle from Norway named Tor. The company improves while doing a series of educational porn based on gay historical characters. With a cast of erotic and oddball characters, the company battles its way through rival porn-spies, community protests and the musical theater guild.

Who says the world of Gay Porn production can’t be funny.

“Poughkeepsie Porn Co.”
Lambda Players
Thursday, Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Sept. 25
Tickets are $15
21st & L Street Theatre
1127 21st St.
(916) 444-8229

Via Lambda Players, via Sacramento Press