Coach Devin pulls three pussy boys out into the back of the locker room and tries to whip their asses into shape. Snatch, Adam and Trevor are the unlucky three to be at the end of Devin’s harsh tongue. Devin forces the college jocks to excercise and workout, in their jockstraps! He has no leniency or tolerance for underperformance. Finally, realizing he’s not going to get anything out of the lot, he gets them down on their knees and tries to figure out if anything is worth salvaging. Devin discovers that indeed there is – all three know very well how to work out a cock, his cock.
This week he’s even more ripped and ready to go. Matthew, with long legs and big thick cock, got his ass kicked by CJ in May, but has returned well rested and ready to take home his first win. He feels that his military training and his strength is all he will need to dominate and fuck Phillip’s pretty boy ass. Phillip has amazing endurance and is trained in Budokan. He intends to rely on those two things to slam his opponent to the mat and rack up the points. Both want to fuck the other hard today!