Posts Tagged ‘Gareth Thomas’

Gareth Thomas on Ellen and It Gets Better Video

Gareth Thomas talks about coming out on Ellen. 
He looks so cute in a dress shirt vest.
And here is his It Gets Better video, which isn’t geared towards bullied youth, but more so to clostted men. “Life gets better if you’re honest.”
He is truly inspiring!

Watch Gareth Thomas on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel tonight on HBO

Watch Gareth Thomas tonight at 10pm ET on
Of course I found out about this from him via his Twitter
where he is looking really good.

Gareth Thomas and Nick Youngquest In The Lockerroom

How cool is it that out rugby player Gareth Thomas and straight teammate Nick Youngquest can trash talk on Twitter and the rugby world doesn’t implode. Nick is a hottie who doesn’t mind posing in really hot photos.
Read their funny tweets at After Elton that led to the posting of this picture. Picture via Twitpic.

Hot Gay Athlete: Gareth Thomas in Action

Rugby League - Bradford Bulls v Crusaders Rugby League engage Super League
As the Mirror put it, “Gareth Thomas is back with a bang”. I don’t know the rules of rugby, but seems like it was an impressive win, 19-0. Unfortunately, he was subject to homophobic heckling from some spectators.