Posts Tagged ‘Chris Salvatore’

Fuck Yeah Chris Salvatore

My new favorite Tumblr of my favorite gay singer/actor, Chris Salvatore.

Chris Salvatore’s nice big cock

I just came across this picture reading this article on Naked Sword. And for the record, I love Chris Salvatore‘s singing. I bought his last two EPs on Amazon. I’ve listed to both many times on repeat at work. And Dirty Love is a great song, but the video is horrible
Anyway it’s great to see that he’s a grower!

Chris Salvatore’s latest track: The Sound of This Beat

Chris Salvatore released his latest EP, The Sound of This Beat
I’m a big fan of his voice and his music so I just bought it off Amazon
I’m listening to it while I write this post and I’m loving it.
The EP also includes his heartfelt, It Gets Better. And there’s an awesome cover of I Want Your Sex.

Chris Salvatore tweets photo of him with Lance Bass as Ron Jeremy

Oops he’s supposed to be Super Mario

Via Chris Salvatore’s Twitter

Chris Salvatore: It Gets Better

One of my favorite guys, Chris Salvatore, wrote a song for It Gets Better. It’s kinda sweet and makes me want to cry. I remember being young and suicidal. Hearing this song would have given me hope.

And here’s his It Gets Better video, it’s very touching.