The Water In Arkansas Is Very Hard

Last night was the season 3 premiere of True Blood. For some reason, I totally missed season 2, but I did watch the 15 minute recap and felt like I was all caught up. So I watched this episode and thought it was good. Dino, thankfully, filled in the pieces that I had missed. One of the reasons I wanted to watch this season, was the leaked stills of Bill and Sam making out. And to my surprise it was in the premiere.
Spoiler Alert!!!!!

Sadly it was a dream, brought on by Sam having drank Bill’s blood in the past. Perhaps its a premonition of what’s to cum.

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One Response to “The Water In Arkansas Is Very Hard”

  1. Dino says:

    so much male butt in that first episode… and so many story lines going on at once… but the highlight for me was sing Eric bang that girl in superspeed :)…. yes im jealous

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